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Last updated
You have to set the world and its coordinates, you can also set the yaw and pitch rotations.
To get these values just use /coords
command of Essentials or use F3
Command: /cosmeticsconfig config set camera-location
Command: /cosmeticsconfig config set mannequin-location
Location of the player to preview the cosmetics in the wardrobe.
This is a bit different, you have to set two points which represent the area in which the player can enter to open the wardrobe.
Command: /cosmeticsconfig config set door-area-locations
Command: /cosmeticsconfig config set exit-location
Location where the player will be teleported back when they leave the wardrobe.
Rotation: Set if you want players to be able to rotate the preview
Zoom: Set if you want to enable zoom
Fade Effect: Set if you want to enable the black screen fade animation on enter-exit the wardrobe.
Colors must be int RGB colors separated with a comma, you can get them from any color picker. HEX and integer colors are not supported for now.
To generate these colors you can use any website which offers an RGB color picker. For example this one.
These properties are used to set colors of the slots in the wardrobe GUI.
Not owned: color of the cosmetics not owned (no permission)
Owned: color of the cosmetics owned (with permission)
Wearing: color of the cosmetics currently equipped
Wearing preview: color of the cosmetics currently equipped but not owned (no permission), equipped only as preview
Max amount reached: color of all the other cosmetics which cannot be equipped because the player is already wearing the max amount for that category